Dr. Christina W. Y. WONG
Personal Vision & Mission
A minister’s spiritual life is the very foundation of the ministry he or she engages in. A minister needs to abide in God, growing and being transformed in him, so that he or she can be fit enough to serve and impact others, being able to bear much fruit—fruit that will last.
I am deeply convinced of the following values in my teaching vocation:
~ ministry is inseparable from spiritual formation;
~ spiritual formation is inseparable from character formation;
~ character formation is inseparable from communal formation.
Hopefully, through the related courses I offer, I can help students to live out a life of service, and to serve with a life in Christ.
《人際衝突:你點睇?》, Chinese Mission Seminary, February 2023.
【盼望猶存】讓主塑造的盼望 3 —— 事奉中的塑造 , Chinese Mission Seminary, March 2021.
【盼望猶存】讓主塑造的盼望 2 —— 互為肢體的塑造 , Chinese Mission Seminary, March 2021.
【盼望猶存】讓主塑造的盼望 1 —— 心靈的塑造 , Chinese Mission Seminary, February 2021.
“Discussion on a Model of Spiritual Direction in the Light of Henri Nouwen’s Writings.” CMS Journal 10 (January 2010), 115-129
“Understanding Christian Spiritual Formation.” CMS Journal 9 (January 2009), 113-140
〈轉化生命的對談──訪問侯士庭博士〉。《靈深一席談》第1期 (2007年9月),54-56。
Book Review
評Pettit, Paul, ed. Foundations of Spiritual Formation: A Community Approach to Becoming Like Christ。《中宣文集》第11期(2011年1月),235-239。
Articles in CMS Newsletter (Since 2010)