Dr. Chi-man YU
Personal Vision & Mission
God guided my studies in the disciplines of social and human sciences, mathematics, management and theology, and led me to serve in various churches, mission agencies and seminaries. I have committed in several ministries, including worship, missions and administration. These backgrounds enable me to integrate academic knowledge, theories of different disciplines and practical theologies.
I sincerely hope that I can serve future pastors and missionaries through my reflections and integration of these experiences in ministry, and to inspire them to become fruitful workers of the Kingdom of God, who value the Bible, and be a blessing to this chaotic era.
- 〈宣教與靈修〉。《跨越》,第200期(2021年10-12月),1-4。
〈StayMissions 網絡宣教、無限可能〉。《浸傳網》,第106期(2021年第三季),3-4。
《盼望中的行動 —— 疫情為世界帶來盼望》,中國宣道神學院,2020年4月。
《盼望中的行動 —— 一粒麥子若不⋯⋯》,中國宣道神學院,2020年4月。
《盼望中的行動 —— 在看似絕望的世代裡活出盼望》,中國宣道神學院,2020年3月。
Articles in CMS Newsletter (Since 2010)
〈懱視.傲Days 當代宣教的意義〉,第191期。