Dr. Frankie C. S. CHOW
Personal Vision & Mission
Looking back on my years of experience in the church ministry, I am convinced that pastoral care cannot be separated from theology, and that theology cannot be separated from pastoral care. I believe that God has called me to cultivate, teach, and establish theological thoughts in the settings of church-community and mission field.
In addition to equipping believers to become leaders and pastors of the church, theological education is also, I believe, a journey to sanctification. I also believe in learning by teaching. In the process of teaching, I learn to be sensitive to the diverse situations of each person, adhere to personal teaching and life cultivation.
There are five research areas that I am interested in: doctrine of God, doctrine of sanctification, theological hermeneutics and interpretation of scripture, homiletics, and pastoral theology.
Edited Book
〈從卡爾‧巴特的聖靈論探討神的宣教(Missio Dei)對宣教神學之意義〉。《中宣文集》第12期(2012年1月),61-92。
Book Review
A Companion to the Theology of John Webster,Michael Allen and R. David Nelson編。《山道期刊》,香港浸信會神學院,第49期(2022年6月),183-189。
Between Wittenberg and Geneva: Lutheran and Reformed Theology in Conversation,Robert Kolb and Carl R. Trueman著。《山道期刊》,香港浸信會神學院,第41期(2018年1月),176-185。
Articles in CMS Newsletter (Since 2010)