Ms. Grace S. W. WONG
Master of Christian Spirituality and Ministry Co-ordinator
Spiritual Theology, Pastoral Theology, Practical Theology
Personal Vision & Mission
I strongly believe that the goal of Christian life must accord with the goal of Christ’s vocation through His salvation. In this regard, I am deeply moved by Karl Barth’s Church Dogmatics, in which he states that the ultimate goal of Christ’s vocation is to call people into fellowship with Himself:
“Christ does not call those whom He calls merely to any place, but He calls them to Himself, to attachment to fellowship with Himself.” (Church Dogmatics, IV.3.2)
I am thoroughly convinced that God’s love for humankind is far deeper than anything we can imagine. I hope, by means of teaching and pastoral ministries, to accompany students on their journeys with God and to assist them in gaining deeper understanding and experience of the intended life brought to us by Christ.
My research interests lie in both spiritual and practical theologies. My research in the field of spiritual theology mainly focuses on the relationality between God and the human person in the history of Christian Spirituality, paying special attention to the study of Ignatian and Jesuit spiritualities. My research in the field of practical theology concerns the integration of spiritual theology into practical theology, the rediscovery of the lost telos and praxis of spiritual formation in the pastoral context, as well as pastoring pastors and church leaders.
Articles / Videos
【給教牧的話】來!同塑牧養生涯的新可能 , Chinese Mission Seminary, January 2023.
【給教牧的話】釐清「靈命塑造」的相關詞 , Chinese Mission Seminary, January 2023.
【給教牧的話】牧養職事之反思 , Chinese Mission Seminary, January 2023.
Articles in CMS Newsletter (Since 2010)