Dr. Janet H. Y. CHAN
Personal Vision & Mission
“By the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain.” (1 Cor 15:10) It is hard to imagine what I would be if I had not met Jesus Christ in high school, or dedicated myself to him in college.
The Lord opened my eyes to the beauty and the needs of the Chinese when I was a young girl in college. From then on, the faithfulness and simplicity of the Christians in Mainland China would always cheer me up, while at the same time the adverse social conditions in the mainland would also weigh me down...
I deeply believe that if the love of Christ can transform my life, it can also transform every Chinese, even the whole society. So it is my hope that through my service in CMS I can prepare even more willing ministers for China, thus realizing the Kingdom of God.
Book Review
評《永活上帝生命主──獻給中國的教會神學》、《道成肉身救贖源──獻給中國的教會神學》,李錦綸著。《中宣文集》第8期 (2008年1月),165-170。
評Self-Esteem: The Cross and Christian Confidence,McGrath & McGrath著。《中宣文集》第5期 (2005年1月),245-249。
評《在信仰與實踐之間-福建基督教史鉤沉》,朱峰著。《中宣文集》第4期 (2004年1月),187-191。
Articles in CMS Newsletter (Since 2010)
〈走出自我 認定上帝〉,第157期。