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Ms. Sandy Y. F. LAI


Master of Christian Spiritual Direction Co-ordinator

Spiritual Theology

Personal Vision & Mission

I have a deep conviction that those who are called to study in theological seminaries will not only be equipped to serve but also be spiritually inspired of their noble identities as recipients of grace. They will realize that it is our Lord who has chosen them to both serve and receive his blessings. As such, their lives can truly be transformed and satisfied with joy, which can sustain them through a longer and harder road of serving.

Because of this, I particularly take to the words of Nouwen and Buechner :

"Human Beings are the beloved sons and daughters of God. They have only to receive that love and live in that identity." ~ Henri Nouwen

"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet." ~ Frederick Buechner


My specialties include spiritual formation, spiritual direction and Ignatian Spirituality.  I also lead retreat camps and offer one-on-one spiritual direction.



Articles / Video



Articles in CMS Newsletter (Since 2010)
  • ​〈不在上帝的豬隊友〉,第209期。

  • 〈好的靈修導師是如何煉成的〉,第204期。

  • 〈這時,聆聽更應是靈魂的一種狀態〉,第198期。

  • 〈缺席的上帝——對我們的煎熬與煉淨!〉,第195期。

  • 〈在生命幽谷中,和你聆聽和對話——靈修交談(Spiritual Conversation)於團契生活中的實踐〉,第189期。

  • 〈我很疲倦〉,第181期。

  • 〈屬靈導引:在神親自的導引中作牧養〉,第176期。

  • 〈生命成聖與屬靈辨別〉,第170期。

  • 〈反思「靈修」的本質內涵〉,第162期。

  • 〈《神操》與靈命培育〉,第158期。

  • 〈何為禱告〉,第146期。



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